26 Mar 2010

Westward Ho

It's the weekend of the Irish Blog Awards and I'm off bright and early to Galway tomorrow morning to join the party. Amazingly, I'm a finalist in the best blog post category for a post I wrote last June when Duncan and I had spent a beautiful few days away together, just the two of us. It's a post that flowed out of me, one that expresses my feelings of love, pride, contentment and joy in my child. I'm really happy it was selected to be among the final few posts, astonished too! But it was a lovely surprise in a downer of a week so thanks very much to all the judges for getting it this far. I hope a few people will have read it and consider that parenting a disabled child isn't less than, just different.

Here's the list of posts in the category which is sponsored by KRO IT Solutions
I know which one I think is the best among that lot and hope it wins tomorrow.

But the prizes are a very small part of what makes the blog awards great. It's the chance to meet people and chat, eat, drink, laugh, renew old friendships and make new ones. It's just a great big party. I am looking forward to it very much.

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