28 Mar 2010

Repost from the bus on Irish Blog Awards 2010

I've got free wifi and a bit of battery time left so here's the short, link free version.

In summary, it was excellent. I didn't win the best blog post award, but had zero (well not zero since that would be mathematically illogical since I was nominated) expectation of getting in and the winning post (and winning blogger) was a stunner. Best part of the experience as ever was spending time with a load of intriguing, articulate, provocative and funny people.

Myself a selection of other lovely ladies meet in the presidential suite of the well posh g hotel for the Ladies Tea Party, organised by the force of nature that is Sabrina Dent. We had lovely pink wine and delicate snacks and there was nail painting and nail polish remover and it was all fabulous. The women I met with, some I knew already but most of them I hadn't, were without exception amazing, friendly and warm. I had my nails painted a vampy deep red, most unlike me it was. But I have to admit, they looked good with my blue dress. The didn't even get too damaged as the night progressed, and neither did I(!)

The awards were distributed efficiently and I was especially pleased by 3 wins; Red Mum for photoblog, Irish Autism Action for group blog and Xbox for personal. The best part of the evening followed with all the chatting and a little bit more drinking (mostly tea) into the morning. The clocks went back depriving us of an hour of either sleep or fun. I chose less sleep. Eventually I made it to my bed for a few hours sleep.

Today I joined a few more bloggy types for brunch in a pub and now, knackered, I'm facing the long trip home. But sure I can read for hours uninterrupted. I don't really mind this voyage.

Links and maybe more spouting about this to follow, probably.


  1. Thanks, I'm delighted.
    Glad you had a good time, and for what it's worth your post was truly truly brilliant.

  2. Sharon it was great to see you and chat. It was indeed a wonderful night.

  3. It was great meeting you in Galway and I am looking forward to following your blog.

  4. It was lovely to catch up and I think in any other category you would have walked it - tough call!
    (except for x-box he had the ultimate happy ending to his latest chapter)

    I'm enjoying finding new and interesting people to follow and maybe meet next year. xx (great news about Lady's comp too!!)


  5. It was lovely to meet you over a cup of tea, Sharon. Glad to hear you enjoyed the voyage to the (surprisingly sunny) west!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend Sharon. Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination. What an honour it is to be even nominated! xx Jazzy
