11 Feb 2008

Short listed for Irish Blog Award!

Well fancy that, this blog is in the short list for the Best Specialist Blog in the 2008 Irish Blog Awards. There's going to be an award ceremony in a Dublin hotel and everything.

This is very cool, and I'm amazed to have been nominated and then included in the short list. The other blogs in this category are;
It's a mixed bunch of blogs and they're mostly more, you know, serious and respectable than this thing. I'm flamin delighted to be considered among them, with my rambling, rants and reminiscing. It's not bad for the puny blog of an Irish housewife!


  1. Hey! That's fantastic. I told you this site is the staple of my daily internet diet and finally some-one else is recognising it too. I am so pleased for you. Miche xx

  2. Thanks Miche, but you have to admit, you're a bit biased ;-)

  3. I hope you weren't including me in the serious and respectable category. Well done.

  4. Green Ink, the list is mostly serious and respectful; you'll be glad to know I think your blog is neither!
    Well done yourself too.
