8 Feb 2008


After all my righteous anger in the previous 2 posts, here's something nice.

I just booked to take all of us to Disneyland in Paris for 3 nights at the end of April. We'll be there on Thomas's 6th birthday. Unlike last year, Duncan is as keen as the others to go. Since the Disneyland hotels don't sleep more than 4 people to a room, and we'd have to book 2 rooms if we want to stay on-site, I decided to ask Gordon's mum if she would like to come with us and share a room with Lady. She does, so all 6 of us will be going.

Duncan sat with me this morning and we looked at all the photos from last year's holiday. We took pictures in the airport, climbing the steps of the aeroplane, on board the plane and in the taxi. We talked about all these stages of the journey, and he seems to be content to do it all. I think the photos help him; seeing familiar faces in those situations may reassure him that it's quite safe.

The children have made a paper chain to count own the days, and I got one of those twee ticker things to stick here too.

Just to get into practice for the forthcoming experiences, Lady and Thomas turned our upstairs hallway into a fancy French restaurant. They put out tables, covered them with tablecloths, added pots of flowers, fixed sheets of shiny paper on the wall in blue, white and red for the French flag, and wrote out menus. They all ate their dinner at the restaurant. Lady dressed up (at Duncan's behest).

Duncan decided to do things properly, so he got a button down shirt from his wardrobe, and a stripy tie requisitioned from Gordon's collection months ago (for Doctor Who costumes) because he wanted to dress up like the people in Ratatouille!

He chose chicken soup from the menu.
Notice the sign on the wall - 'non fumer'! Lady wanted to write 'no smoking' in French, so asked how to write 'smoking'. It's not quite right, but I think her customers got the message!


  1. It sounds like you'll all have a brilliant time :D.

  2. Delighted to hear that Duncan is keen to go with you this year. Hope you all have a ball!
    Looking forward to meeting up next weekend. See u Sat.

  3. ah, I'm so glad he's up for going this time, and I'm sure the pictures are really making the difference. We had to have two adjoining rooms too and despite them saying that an adult needed to be in each room we ended up propping the door open and all the kids in one room and us and baby in the other one! It was the only way we could get any sleep!

    I loved their French restaurant, by the way!

  4. Yep, it's great we're going together and no doubt it'll be harder work to keep Duncan safe, amused and as unstressed as possible, but it'll be so worth it to see him face all his favourite characters and rides.

    Which restaurant do you mean?
