22 Jun 2007

Stuff from the week

Last Friday, I went to my cousin's wedding. Gordon wasn't able to go with me; work commitments. Instead I travelled across to the west with my dad and step-mum. Gordon's mum came to our house to mind the children for a few hours, and then M. (our NAS befriender friend) came over to stay until Gordon got home. Both baby sitters said the children were no trouble at all. Phew!

I had a lovely day. My little cousin was looking utterly beautiful, as all brides must! It rained all day, but she never stopped grinning, and was a like a wee ray of sunshine all day. In between the service and the reception, we went to a cafe for a snack; my belly had been rumbling throughout the service, bloody embarrassing! Then we visited my 95 year old granny, whom I haven't seen for far too long. She was on great form too.

The reception was terrific. We shared a table with one of my aunties and a few cousins and their spouses. One cousin had just had a baby so I enjoyed a few cuddles. Actually, whenever we all get together, it seems that someone has always just had a baby or is about to get married. I suppose it goes with having a large family. As always at these things, I enjoyed the crack, chatting and catching up and reminiscing about good times and also the hard times we've shared. The bride's father, my uncle, had died when she was only 8, in a work place accident, leaving her mother to raise 4 young children alone. Her eldest brother walked her up the aisle, and later gave a short, moving speech, though he was obviously nervous.

And then we danced! Nothing beats the dancing at a wedding!

Sunday was Father's day and Lady had made a cool card. She drew a picture of her dad with a big head and a tiny body topped by a light bulb in a thought cloud. On the back she drew another version of Gordon, with a speech bubble and the words "BAX...BAT...apoptosis...mitochondria" (words he uses often at work) which went down very well!

Since then, it's just been same as usual round here. Lady has been reading about the Greek Myths, and started to write and illustrate a few of her own short stories such as;

The Magic Eye
One day the king Eurystheus saw that he was getting old. He wanted to see his grandchildren but he couldn't see them if he was dead. The king had a daughter called Aneena. She was beautiful, but she didn't want to give birth. She liked the palace and she did not want to get married. This made the king cross. So one day the king put Aneena in a box and sent her away.

I asked her if she thought she'd get married, she said she might but not 'till she's much older. She wanted to travel around the world and go diving and go to the Great Wall of China, like her aunt C!

Thomas and I were talking about letters and their sounds. I asked him if he could think of any words starting with the letter 'P' and he said 'pee, like you do in the toilet' so I agreed, that was one such word. Then he thought on and said, 'pee, like what goes under your bed'. I didn't understand this one, so he pointed to the mattress (we were in my room). I said 'that's called a mattress.' He said, ' I mean the thing that goes under it, and the loads of mattresses go on top, and then the princess has to climb up the ladder to go to bed'. Ah, pea...how was I missing what should have been so obvious!

We also had a very interesting talk about evolution, when he asked me about dinosaurs being the scariest animals and I told him that people were never on the earth at the same time as dinosaurs. He asked me who made the first people. He liked the ape story!

Thomas has worn his dad's stripy tie every day this week. He now ties it himself, wrapping it round many times so it resembles a cravat. Lady was worn a red silk scarf on her hair, topped with a pick woolly hat. She likes the way it makes her look like she has long red hair. No uniforms here!

Duncan is going through a major Thomas the Tank phase again. I investigated the lead paint on engines toy recall, but none of those we have are affected, thank goodness. He and Thomas have spent hours each day setting up the 3 different types of track and telling stories.

Duncan also lost his 2 bottom front teeth, and was pleased to receive money from the tooth fairy, which was exchanged for, well guess what, a 'Shiny Sir Handel' train.

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