28 Jan 2010

Watch out, autist about

What do people think of these as potential T-shirt/badge designs?

Duncan worked on his own design; a version of Chuckie Finster's favourite shirt. He's put it on his own blog here.

Edited to add:
Here's the design Duncan came up with all by himself. I only typed the words he told me to.

Cool eh?!


  1. Love 'em!!! :o)
    Not sure if I got this, did Duncan design these?

  2. He was a creative assistant, helping choose the right images and font size. He designed and drew the design shown on his own blog by himself. I typed the logo but it was his choice of words.

    I've taken all 3 designs to by printed now. He's very excited about his Chuckie shirt.

    Glad you like them!

  3. These are really brilliant! I love the incredibles one. You could sell these! I was looking on ebay for something similar and couldnt see anything that appealed at all. I found the ebay ones a bit patronising tbh. I was looking for something that would make people aware for Luke, without looking like a big warning label. I think youve got it! I think you should sell them cos i want to buy one!
    I bought Luke a sort of aspergers ID card to wear when he is in public places like soft play areas etc. Sometimes he gets in a pickle and unknowing adults dont realise that he needs a little extra care and attention. He finds comfort in wearing it and it puts my mind at rest. But I do sometimes feel like Ive stuck a bloody big label onto the front of him.
    Just love your designs!

  4. Thanks Venus! I've taken these designs to the printer to put on T-shirts and I'll take a photo when I see how they turn out. If they look decent I'd be happy for anyone to use the pictures. It's not like they're my images to sell ;-)

  5. These are brill!!! I's wear them with pride XXX

  6. SUPERB .... my very own Dash has just spotted the logo & just couldnt take his eye off it. How COOL would it be for him to have such a fab t-shirt :D

  7. Love them, would love to see photos of the finished article too:) Jen.

  8. These are fantastic Sharon! love them all, especially the Incredibles one which is Oliver's favourite! lol :)

  9. @all, thanks. Glad you like them :-)

  10. Sharon - had to share the pic with you - hope you dont mind but I have totally stole your logo idea & got the t-shirts printed (or my sister did actually) - hot off the press this is what they look like - hope neither you nor Mr Disney mind :)


  11. @grufalomum, those are great! I don't mind a bit that the design is being used. I hope they are worn with pleasure and pride!
