21 Oct 2009

Accentuate the positive

Life is stressful now more than ever. But something wonderful has been happening and my inability to blog lately means I have not focussed on it as I usually would. My boy Duncan is doing really well. He is happy, settled, more focussed, talks loads, understands speech more and can carry out more complex instructions. His reading ability continues to improve. He has played lots of computer games and uses YouTube instruction videos (which have occasionally increased his vocabulary in less than optimal ways) when he gets stuck since he knows I'm no help. He also gets his brother Thomas to help him out now and then. The two boys are getting along really well. They have so much fun together though obviously they wind each other up at times too!

Lady is growing up fast. She has a lot to deal with, more than many children her age and as usual, she's amazing. This is such a fraught time for her, as she figures out just who she is and what her values are. She's asserting her individuality and I have to keep supporting and when needed, safeguarding her. Roots then wings and all that!

As for me, I will try to work out what is right and then to find the strength to do it. Nobody said it was easy, but I didn't know that it could be this hard either.


  1. Sending you strength Sharon - I know what it's like. But for what it's worth: from what I read on your blog you seem to be already doing pretty amazing things for and with your children. Good luck.

  2. Wonderful to hear Duncan is progressing and interacting with his brother too, great theory of mind develops when there are interested siblings!
    Pity you couldnt put it down to a zebra or magic potion though, could have made a few bob there Sharon.

  3. It's great to learn that Duncan and the other children are doing so well. Obviously you're doing something right!

    I'm in my 35th year of child-rearing, and there are around another 16 nor so years to go until my youngest grows up.

    I agree that it's not easy, but hopefully you're finding it rewarding.

  4. the joys of parenthood , eh? sometimes it's all we can do to get thru the day. it sounds like you have a lot on your mind (more than usual!)and sometimes you need to gather the duvet around you, drink lots of tea and wait for the answers to come xxx

  5. Hi Sharon, You were missed. I am delighted to hear of Duncan's progress.

    You take the time you need and come back when you are ready.

  6. I have a new menu.....you should come try it soon...I have a superb bottle with your name on it....

  7. Loads of positive vibes coming your way!


  8. Glad to see that you're still around and that everyone is doing well (or at least as reasonably well as any of us can expect at any particular time).


  9. Hey
    missed the blog soo much, always kept me up-to-date on you and the clan!
    Really glad to hear the kids are doing well.
    You know I am always here with a spare room if you need a night away, light a nice fire, good food with a bottle of wine.....
    You name a day cuz.
    Take care of yourself and lots of hugs on the way.
    Miche xx

  10. Fantastic blog you have here. I just found and and will be back to read more of your posts soon. I'm glad to hear Duncan is doing well.

  11. Alright Sharon

    I think the graph for most people is the same with the blogging. Life does have a habit of interrupting those other things. It'll find its even keel again, I'm certain, and in the meantime we have to take the little plus signs and make bigger ones with them. Glad the wayens are doing well, and as Grannymar says, we'll see you when you're good and ready. Keep it country.
