22 Apr 2009

In memory of Alyric

There's this great blog called A Touch of Alyricism that I've been reading for a few years. It's not updated all that frequently, maybe once or twice a month. I have it listed on my Google reader and it's always a treat to see a new post go up. I felt the same today until I clicked on the post and read that Alyric, its author died of cancer last Saturday.

Her husband and daughter were kind enough to write on her blog to share the terrible news with those of us who only knew her through her written words. They described her, in words that make perfect sense and ring with truth, as "truly courageous" and one who "always fought for the betterment of people, and not the detriment." I am very grateful to them for having done this.

I felt such grief and shock when I read it and my thoughts are with her family and their sad loss.

Those of us who cared about issues like ethics, respect, accuracy and decent treatment for all people have lost an important voice.

Here are a few of my favourite posts by Alyric,
It's hard to believe and very sad to consider that she will never speak out like this again.


  1. From what I read in your post, this must have been a special person! Sorry to hear about this. My thoughts are with her family and all those, including you, who will miss her.

  2. sorry to hear that Sharon....

  3. My most earnest and heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

  4. I'm very saddened to hear this news. Very saddened indeed.

    My condolences to those she leaves behind .

    She will be sorely missed by many, not least her family and friends.

  5. Thanks for sharing your condolences.

  6. I am sorry to read this :(.

  7. This much inspired me to go rummage through her archives, incredible for how long she's been writing.
    I'm thinking about her all the time, and I miss her much.
