13 Jan 2009

Creating films

Gordon thought of the perfect career for Duncan. He could be a film editor. He'd get to sit at a computer, in a quiet room, and use his brilliant eye for detail and technical abilities. His peculiar overall vision might bring him into dispute with the director though!

OK, I know I'm just spouting and getting way too far ahead of things. But no matter what happens when he's an adult, he's certainly enjoying making films now. Over the past few days he's churned out about 10 films using Windows Movie Maker. He imports a piece of music and a selection of images, some he created from scratch, others he copied from the web and a few that he copied and then customised. He drags each component into place, precisely and in a carefully designed order. Then he adds credits or titles, choosing the text font and style and colour scheme. He types his own text. He adds effects. He may ask me for help in finding a certain effect. Yesterday he called me over, pointed to the image on screen and said, "make it..." as he closed one eye and moved right up to the screen. He didn't have the words to say that he wanted to see the picture "ease in" but now he does. He has learnt how to fade in and out, pan across, and has experimented with other effects. He publishes and saves the film. Then he calls me over and asks me to complete the final stage, upload his masterpiece onto my YouTube channel, letting him type in his choice of title. I think he needs his own channel!

I've added 7 of his films in the past few days. Most of them use Justin Timberlake's "Cry me a river" song; he wanted to use the Black Eyed Peas "Phunk it" but YouTube kept blocking the audio for breaching copyright. Obviously, people will choose to watch Duncan's peculiar little videos rather than pay for a CD or download(!) He's also used the theme music from Disney's Dinosaur film-I expect that'll be blocked eventually too. He loves to watch the films he made on YouTube alongside all his favourites, featuring BBC idents and various logos, Rugrats, Tots TV and Thomas characters.

I think this one is my favourite as it's got more of his own pictures. These guys are from Kinder Eggs, the blue haired fella with the sad face is Oliver, who features heavily in Duncan's work and his friend with purple hair is Siver. There's a nice image of the pair fishing beside their farm house, with a pig in a fence just behind them.


  1. how did he get Morricone to do the music? Legend....and Morricone....

  2. Ah now, the boy's got connections.

    Nah, it's the awesomely named James Newton Howard from a Disney soundtrack. He's channelling Morricone though.

  3. That was excellent, you must be very proud of him.

  4. That was terrific!
    I watched it over again.

  5. Very cool! I'm behind for many tasks that should have been accomplished long ago - to include rearranging my office - which I just did yesterday, with the details to finished today. TMI, I know, to a set-up today that I just replaced the speakers on my pc so I could watch Duncan's movie. chkl.

    My children are older, but in the angst of worrying for their future I have been told recently that most of the jobs they will have over their adulthood have not been invented yet. Can't quite control for achieving certain jobs, but the ability to learn new things within a category of skills will likely keep one employable.

    That said, I think you and Gordon are onto something. Barbara

  6. Ah film editing, I am editing again and mightily pleased with the first rushes,

    I don't think I will make it as a mainstream academic, but film editing now that is something I can do.

    Problem is art and skill are not wanted in the mundane side of the profession, we can't all be Ridley Scott or Stanley Kubrick, most of the industry is far more banal and mundane which why I will never find a place there either.

  7. @Grannymar, it's a funny wee thing isn't it!

    @Barbara, "...most of the jobs they will have over their adulthood have not been invented yet. Can't quite control for achieving certain jobs, but the ability to learn new things within a category of skills will likely keep one employable."

    That's a good observation. All we can do I think, is raise them with the ability to learn and think for themselves, help them know what they enjoy and are good at and see what happens.

    @Larry, it's good to know when you're good at something. You are a good film maker. It's such a shame about your academic career. The world could do with some Larry inspired shaking up.

  8. Awesome!!
    I'm going to subscribe to your YouTube channel and look for the other movies he made.
