27 Jan 2009

Apology to Blogger Blogs I've Spammed Recently

I installed the new Blogger gadget called Blog Links a few months ago. It was nice, allowed me to display the various blogs I enjoy all listed by most recent post date. I was happy to share my favourites and perhaps even alert new readers to these brilliant blogs.

But I have noticed that on the Blogger blogs I'd included in the "Blogs I like" list, loads of spurious backlinks to this blog were being generated somehow. I've read about it and found that it seems to be a glitch in the software and there's nothing I can do to stop these links for now except to remove the gadget. So I've done that and updated my old fashioned link lists instead.

I'd like to apologise to the owners of the blogs hit by the spammy backlink lists. It's an embarrassment to see them pilled at the end of your posts when they're irrelevant. Hopefully it shouldn't happen again, at least not from here.


  1. I noticed but it didn't bother me a jot. Actually it was nice to see some backlinks appearing for once :0)

  2. I'm glad it wasn't bugging you John. I was on a few blogs recently that had 5 or so links here and none were related. It looks like I'm playing for traffic and I'm sure some people are irritated by it.

  3. Can't say I noticed... though I'm also not sure what to look for! I do appreciate the comments though.

  4. Well that explains it! I couldnt work out what was going on either and spurious is a good word for some of the links to other blogs I have seen listed.
    I agree with John though, it was a good way to tell (both) my readers about your blog!

    Ah google, don't you just love them *looks for hidden cameras and bugging devices*
    I mean just LoVe them!

  5. @Biologista, on some blogs there were 5-10 links here at the bottom of each post.
    And hey, we all like the comments!

    @Lisa, yes, you're one of those included in my apology. It's not as good as flowers and chocolates so if we ever meet in RL, I'll owe you!

  6. Thanks Sharon. I knew you weren't spamming on purpose. Blogger needs to do a better job of fixing its software.

  7. Because my hope is that *everyone* will read your blog, I didn't mind in the least...

  8. @abfh, yep Blogger are aware of this and I hope they sort it as I did like the gadget. Sorry you've been one of my victims.

    @Michelle, you are so kind. That means a lot, especially coming from you.

  9. Oh, now I get what your comment was about, it confused me a little at first, because I always thought I had accidentally created those backlinks myself by subscribing to your comments. :D
    So obviously, I didn't think of these links as spam at all...
