6 Nov 2008

Politics of the people

People can change things. America has shown us so. I stayed up really late on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning to watch the results of the US presidential elections, enjoying the company of some fellow bloggers. I was delighted with the result. From what I've seen and read about the candidates, Obama is by far the better in his policies, aims and intentions. People have chosen the candidate who is clever, accomplished and well organised. His campaign was fantastic especially when compared to the nastiness of McCain's. I'm glad there will be no more McCain "my friend" speeches nor any of his nonsense about autism, and I am glad the majority of Americans showed their opposition to the global screw ups his party have made, and that awful Palin woman.

It's obviously wonderful to have an African American family taking up residence in the White House. I think that people all over the world who are of a minority race in their home country, will be happy with this. I know Gordon has been deeply affected.

I listened to Obama's victory speech live and warmed to his inclusive address to people of all racial backgrounds, to gay and straight people, disabled and non-disabled. How about that?!

But, closer to home, the Irish government has just announced their disgusting decision to scrap HPV vaccines for teenage girls due to budget shortfalls. Even if times are hard, this is a terrible decision and is a real let down. The HPV vaccine is the only medicine yet developed that acts as an effective preventative measure against a form of cancer. I live in Northern Ireland so my own daughter will still be vaccinated when she's old enough, but what about all her cousins? I have 5 wonderful nieces living in the Republic, they all deserve this protection too.

"An angry person" by Duncan. It's how this decision makes me feel.

Via Red Mum I read that people are being encouraged to write to Mary Harney, Minister for Health, telling her how they feel and attaching a photo of their daughter (if they have one). We've seen that when enough people are motivated to make a change, it can happen. Lets see if the Irish people can effect this small but important change.

It's a shame about California and Prop 8 though.


  1. And California is supposed to be liberal!

  2. So glad to hear that the U.S. may be seen more favorably now by other nations.

    We certainly made a decision that raises my opinion of our judgement.

  3. Thanks for this Sharon and I LOVE the drawing, its bloody excellent :)

  4. I thought California was more liberal too. I had a look at one of the pro campaigns videos, it was awful.

    Ed, I've always known that the US is packed with great people. After all, I read many of their blogs!
    But yes, the country can bask on global affection once more!

    Red Mum, it's a cool picture alright. I don't even know when he drew it, I just found it in pile in a drawer and he told me what it was.
    Thanks to you for highlighting this vaccine issue.

  5. The scrapping of the HPV vaccine in Ireland is sadly symptomatic of that government's response to a scary budget. Cuts in education (already struggling somewhat) and of course health (which has been in a shambles for as long as I can recall)- essentially, cuts to whatever might actually help us to crawl out of the economic hole we are now in. What is most depressing about it all is just how unsurprised I am.

    On Obama: I stayed up until 4am GMT, refusing to sleep until Obama crossed the electoral vote finish line. The Americans can justifiably say that they are now a source of hope across the world. That's a pretty cheesy sounding sentiment, but my cynical heart was warmed by Obama's victory and his speech in particular.

    A good call on Palin. I found her (unintentional) comments on autism research to be infuriatingly ignorant. Thankfully we will not have to worry about her influence on scientific policies in the US...
