25 Nov 2008

Lung Cancer in Northern Ireland

This may be off topic, but I wanted to highlight an interesting article on lung cancer research in last Friday's Belfast Telegraph. The paper seems to run a decent health section, with fewer credulous reports than the average regional rag, at least since they stopped publishing nutropath Jan de Vries self-publicising nonsense. (Miche, what was it he charged for a 5 minute consult, during which he was abrupt and dismissive, and insisted that you buy one of his many books and herbal concotions?)

The paper edition carried a photo of the researcher quoted, and damned fine he looked too (biased...moi?) It's always good to read positive stories like this, and hopefully people in the region will have more hope for a better and longer life with lung cancer thanks to the drug trials now taking place in Belfast and around the world.


  1. £90, my dear, was the bill for that horrible little man, who thinks that not eating chocolate or caffeine is the cure to all..... I used to think I was slightly intelligent until I went to see that stupid wee gnome! lol Miche xx

  2. You are intelligent! He just managed to con you with that age old ploy, "you'll never know if it helps until you try it."

    Nice ad hominem there too!

  3. On behalf of real gnomes everywhere, I demand that you retract that comment at once, Anonymous. Wee indeed!

  4. "with fewer credulous reports than the average regional rag"

    I'm taller than your average gnome, but confused by the above phrase. Did you mean fewer INcredulous reports?

    Erm, you think most of their reports are believable? Not that I need to know...I just ripped our massive news media outlet in a post this week. Definitely fewer credulous reports there.

  5. @Nick, I can only apologise for my little cousin's appalling gnomism.

    @Barbara, I probably didn't phrase that well. I meant to show that I'm impressed that the paper's editors appear to be less gullible and ready to promote ridiculous health stories and hype, ie less credulous and more incredulous (more sceptical) than average.

    It's a pity the same paper screwed up with some terrible, amateurish page layout the following day.

  6. To gnomes everywhere....I apologise. Miche

  7. Truly lovely, Sharon! Thanks so much for sharing! I hope to come back with a bit more, but am midst the holiday prep for tomorrow.

  8. Er, that was supposed to go under the Disney post. Sorry.
