23 Sept 2008

Tyrone GAA win

Photo by Margaret McLaughlin and pilfered from the Irish News showing the Tinnies statues in their Tyrone gear.

I'm a Tyrone woman, so I'm going to take the opportunity to gloat about our county's masterful defeat of Kerry in Sunday's All-Ireland Football final.

Pubs and houses in my home town were packed with cheering fans, the atmosphere was marvellous and everyone was having a great time celebrating the victory. Across the land, people north and south from 31 counties were cheering on the Red Hands, well, maybe not the Dubs.

Even my sister in London enjoyed the match from a pub jammed with other Irish folk, sports fans and people just soaking the atmosphere.

While all this was taking place, I was with Gordon at a nice and sedate wedding in Cambridge, England where talk of Gaelic games was not on the agenda. Gordon's best friend from his school days was the groom and Gordon was honoured to be his Best Man. It was a beautiful wedding, and I had a lovely day. My sister was kind enough to text me updates on the match and I was unable to withhold a small cry of joy when the final result came in while we were having dinner.
At least it wasn't during the ceremony.

Our friend is a super smart mathematician, runner and musician, and it turns out, a great speech giver. He assured me that his talents didn't stretch to dancing; he wasn't wrong.

While I was enjoying a sedate and short recital of chamber music, my siblings no doubt were engaged in a baser and bawdier type of entertainment. There was a great band at the wedding too so I did enjoy a chance to dance a bit myself.

I'm glad I was able to go to the wedding, it was far more important to be there than bounding about with a gang clad in red and white, but I wish they'd taken place on separate days.


  1. It was a greta game. Dad went to it and spent most of the time calling the Kerrymen, "Butter Munchers"

  2. Tir Eoighain Abu!!!!
    Miche xx

  3. Glad you enjoyed our wedding! It was great that you could come, and the Best Man did a sterling job. I am flattered by your kind words, but is my dancing really so bad?

  4. Hi Frank and Alison

    What a nice surprise to see you comment here!

    The wedding was lovely and your Canadian cousins were great company, as was the gang I shared a table with.

    Re. your dancing, well Frank, you're obviously a man of many talents. But would it be fair on ordinary people if you were good at everything?

    Hope you're enjoying this new phase of life.

  5. Sharon
    You have no idea what I just said, do you? lol

  6. Ach Michelle you should have let it lie.

    What kind of woman do you take me for? Not know what you said? I'm not that bad!

    PS you spelt it wrong, it should be Tir Eoghain.
