22 Aug 2008


Gordon had a few weeks off work and we intended to just spend time together at home with perhaps a few outings.

The children were looked after by their amazing grandparents and Gordon and I spent a night at a Donegal hotel called Harvey's Point. What a place. If you are ever in the area, stay there, or at least dine there. It was perfect in every way.

Once back home, we realised that it's just nice for everyone if we can leave home even for a short time and have a proper break from the routine chores and demands.

But what about Pippi? I didn't want to leave her (I mean, look at that wee face, how could you leave that?) so she had to come too. I looked online and found a house to rent where dogs are welcome. We packed up and went the next day. The house was beautiful, if rather hard to find up in the hills of Inishowen and overlooking Lough Foyle. Thankfully the owner met us at a convenient point and showed the way.

We settled in and made ourselves at home. The children and pup explored the new place. Duncan, dressed as usual these days in his self-designed Clayton-the-hunter gear, enjoyed the Border Collie who came to play in the garden, tossing a ball and his toy gun for the dog to fetch, as well as on occasion, pretending it was a gorilla and shooting it. (Clayton is the bad man in Disney's Tarzan and indulges in such vices.)

We headed to a beautiful beach for a few hours. Thomas did not want to be there, as evidenced by that face. But the rest of us enjoyed it. Duncan filled his welly boots (part of the Clayton look) with a sand and water mixture and claimed to be making toffee. Pippi, who is still kept on-lead when out, got very excited at all the other dogs and barked lustfully. One of these well behaved dogs and his owner appeared to be rather taken aback by our ruffian pup whom we've started to call Asbo pup. Ah well, we're well used to people staring at us as one of our charges makes more noise than is deemed appropriate.


  1. Love the Clayton the Hunter outfit.

    Looks like a lovely place. And what a posh hotel that was! Good for you.

  2. Fantastic photos. Clayton the hunter looks well cool. As does everybody else. I hope you really got clearing the heads. The scenery certainly made it look possible...

  3. Yeah Joe, perhaps I could encourage him to pursue a career in fashion, he certainly has a eye for customising a outfit! (Do you reckon there are many autistic designers? I wouldn't be surprised.)

    Thanks Allie, we did.

    Hi Nick, I'm not too sure about clear heads as what I forgot to mention (how could I?) was that while trying to find our way back to our holiday house that 1st night in the dark, we crashed into another car at unlit, unmarked junction. Thankfully it was a very minor accident, no one was hurt and the damage done was minimal. But in spite if that drama, it was a lovely holiday.
