16 Jul 2008

Cheesy or cute?

What do you think of the new look on the blog? Do you agree with my big brother who says it's cheesy, or do you side with Manuel, who says he loves it?

The brother knows more about art and making things look good than I; he's an architect. He's very posh too. (Isn't that right T?)

But Manuel, well he has a great blog (really, it's fantastic and I have to update my blogroll soon) and he's been mentioned in the Guardian and even...the Mail on Sunday, so he's famous!!!

By the way, I agree with Bro, it is cheesy. The whole thing is. The title is cheesy (from a Christy Moore love song), the Thomas themed blog names, the whole idea of writing about our lives, not to mention my occasional wee rants; all reeks like La Fromagerie.

But it's my cheesy blog and I like it. Even so, I'd like to know what you think.


  1. I agree with Manuel that it looks great. I normally read this blog via Google Reader and it's far better reading it here than there :-)

  2. Not sure about the level of cheese, but the train reminds me of Embsay :).

  3. One vote for Cute!!!

  4. I think it is precious and works quite well thematically with your blog.

    It works.

  5. I love the vintage look to your blog,it's a bit quirky too,always good in my book!!
    It makes me think of how childhood used to be.

    Only my opinion!

  6. I like it!

    And I'm not saying so just to earn a position on your blogroll.

  7. Another vote for "I like the new look".

    It does all go together well, without looking cheesy in the least.


  8. Absolutely LOVE it. It's not cheesy, it's right on the mark!!!! (Why do our kids love trains, anyway??)

  9. I stand by my original comments..........quality work..

  10. I like it too. Very cute.

    Even if I didn't like it though, I wouldn't call it cheesy and risk being called a cheeky bugger. Mainly because I don't know what one is.

    Since he's your brother though I'm guessing that this is a term of endearment.

  11. My tolerance for cheesiness or sentimental things in general has gone way up since having kids.

    I give it a thumbs-up, for appearance and content!

  12. Wow thanks every one. All these nice comments have given me an ego boost to last the weekend! I should have asked one of these skewed questions before and got the hit of positive feedback, but then I might turn into a praise addict.

    Anyway, it's staying. I think having a picture of my boys waiting for a steam train is very appropriate.
