23 Jun 2006

Lost and found

We're surprisingly organised here today. Lady is writing a letter to her very best friend in the world. Thomas is in his room playing with the wooden trains. Well no, as always, he's telling a story. Earlier he said, 'Get me the wooden trains because I want to tell a story called The giant boy and the other way of the tracks!' That title sounds a bit Harry Potter-like to me. He always refers to himself as the giant boy when he's playing with the trains.

Duncan is sitting on my lap, wriggling and singing and closely examining a Lego 'Magic Roundabout' sword he made. Some people don't even realise that there was a sword in the Magic Roundabout!

I'm a bit scratched. We had an incident with the guinea pigs last night. I took them out and laid them on the grass in our fully enclosed and Duncan-proof garden. Then I cleaned out the hutch. Thomas came to have a closer look at them and Crookshanks ran away towards our garden fence. I know now that Duncan-proof does not equate to guinea pig-proof! Crookshanks (she's the brown, black and ginger one, i.e. camouflaged) scooted under a gap into the garden next door; the unoccupied and overgrown garden next door. I climbed over the fence and spent about 20 minutes trying to find her and then trying to catch her. My forearms were scourged on all the branches and brambles and my left palm was jabbed by something so it looks like I've got a stigmata ;-)
The poor wee cavy though was frightened and I feel so guilty for putting her in that position. I placed her in the hutch with lots of apple and dandelions to make up for her poor treatment. My Dad said he'd build a proper run for them so I must get that sorted as soon as possible.


  1. Hee hee. The guinea pig escaping reminds me of when I was a child and my dad had put 17 of them ( I was allowed to keep 3)under a box in the garden to go to the pet shop and I picked it up and they scattered. The garden was full of neighbours running around like headless chickens to round them up.As each one was caught it was unceremoniously shoved into the green house. They hide in the hedge and brambles and everyone got scratched to pieces retrieving them. I just sat and watched the action.

  2. We just lost something yesterday too though a toy not a pet! Hopefully your finding Crrokshanks will bode well for us!

  3. I'm glad you were able to find her before a cat did! When I was a small child, I had a pair of gerbils, and one day I decided it would be fun to let them out to run around the house. One of them got into my dad's shoe, which he didn't discover until he went to put on his shoes. My dad wasn't very happy, needless to say, and he put the gerbils in a box in the garage. The cats got in and ate them, poor things.

  4. I was worried a cat would get her which was why I was so determined to find her first.

  5. Eeek at the guinea pig incident...I know that experience well *sigh*

  6. It is always so encouraging to see that other people's HE is so similar to one's own! Loved the descriptions of the kids each doing their own thing - sounds so like my 3 lads! Great to find your blog.

  7. Hi 'thenewstead5'
    Thanks for reading and I'm glad you like it!
