16 Mar 2006

Zeebad in da house

I’ve had a blog break for a few days. I have just been slammed here and by the time I get the children to bed, I’ve been exhausted.

I can’t believe how tricky these freakin’ head lice have been. I’ve spent ages every day combing them out. Poor Thomas had a mega-city settled in his sweet head.

On to more joyful things, the children have been busy playing and eating and reading and arguing and drawing and all the rest of that sort of thing. Lady has started to learn to play piano. Gordon has taught her a few scales and she’s just started to play a few very basic 3 note pieces of music. She has taken to it really well and likes it so far. She bops her head up and down as she plays to keep time, it’s very cute. Yesterday she went to Brownies for the 1st time. The same woman runs Brownies and Rainbows and she had told me that Lady was old enough to move up. She really enjoyed it and says it is much more interesting and fun for 7 year olds. She needs a new uniform now so we’ll go to the guide shop later to get one. Hopefully she will be able to get to know a few girls in the village now.

Well, we’re 1/3 of the way to being proper home-educators yesterday. We made flubber! It was great, though there was only 1 small bottle of white PVA glue in the shop when I went, so we could only make a tiny bit of flubber. We used red food colouring so it was a beautiful pink colour. We all had lots of fun with it! Duncan loved feeling it against his face, I tried it and it did feel nice!

I had a few emotional outbursts from Duncan to deal with yesterday too. He was getting cross about some more trains he wants me to buy. But he got over it with a bit of help. I did have to draw many, many paper trains though!

Today he has decided he would dress up as Zeebad from the Magic Roundabout film so he was running around in a grey vest with a belt over the top and his pants. He asked me to make his hands blue too ‘not pink’, for that extra authenticity! Thankfully I was able to dissuade him from that plan. He boinged about the house for a while, clutching his ‘paper Zeebad’ which I drew earlier.

I’m a bit stressed myself for a few reasons but I hope it’ll get better soon.


  1. I hope your stress is easing a bit..deep breaths, dearie, deep breaths:)

  2. Hope you’re o.k.
