8 Mar 2006

NO dancing bears!

My sister stayed over with us on Monday night. I was telling her about how great Duncan has been since he finished school for good, and right on cue he was loud, crying and complaining. He wanted me to find a picture on-line of the dancing bear from the Teletubbies. No such picture exists. I had to take him upstairs twice so we could spend some time away from everyone else and get some of the anger out of his system. Eventually he was able to accept a Mummy-drawn picture based on his description, and after that he was back to being a delight.

All 3 children were still loud, but in the joyful way when my Dad arrived. The boys made him play chase and Duncan loved it when he pretended Duncan’s Peter Pan hat was his. Duncan kept saying ‘it’s mine, give it back, give it to me’. I love to hear him playing along but at the same time clearly saying what he wants. It should make it harder for nasty people to push him about.

Lady worked on sums, she’s finally getting lots of the number facts memorised. Thomas played a bit of ‘Jojo in Numberland’ and managed to sort the counters into disordered drawers marked up to 20. I didn’t know he could do that. Duncan played lots of Tweenies games and spent a few minutes looking at a Thomas the Tank workbook. He was able to match words to pictures for 5 words, some of which were not engine names! They all enjoyed the literactive.com site. Thomas played the ‘Hairy Mary’ story about 30 times. He was fascinated at the idea of a girl getting teased and then getting mad and hurting others.

Gordon had to leave this evening for another series of cancer research meetings. He’s been away a lot in the past few weeks. We’ll be glad when this run is over.

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