16 Jan 2006

What do we do?

Duncan goes to an autism unit at a special school. It's OK but not great. I hope to home-educate him as soon as feel able to manage all of them full-time. Duncan is a great, gorgeous and very demanding child. I don't think he gains much benefit from going to school, except perhaps having a Mummy who isn't completely frazzled all the time because she had a bit of a break. It isn't how I want things to be but I hope to take more control as this year goes by.
Lady went to school in England for almost 2 years before I de-registered her. She was such a sparky child usually but she withdrew while at school. Some of my friends, who knew her well and who helped out in the classroom, were surprised at the change in her affect during school. Her teacher described her as quiet and as not participating much in whole class activities. But I know that in small groups or in places where she feels comfortable, Lady acts in the oposite way to this. SO, after talking it over with Gordon for a LONG time, I finally persuaded him to agree to try out home-education.

Thomas has never been to school or nursery; he's far too busy learning with his family every minute of the day!

It has been wonderful. I have discovered a whole new lifestyle with new and great friends. Also, by jumping into the autism world, I have learnt more and changed my opinion on many things over the past 2-3 years. It has been a voyage of discovery for me.

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