17 Jan 2006

Scooting along

I went with Lady and Thomas to the beach today. We haven't been for weeks, ridiculous considering it's so close. I walked and the children took their scooters. It was Thomas' first time taking his Christmas Barney scooter out. We had a lovely time. They drew picures in the sand and decorated them with seaweed and threw stones in the sea and waved to all the people out walking by. :-)

After Duncan came home the boys played with trains upstairs while Lady played on the computer. Lady had her drama class later, and as usual, Duncan acquired a new train; 'noisy' Edward.


  1. Hah! Just spotted your new post - hadn’t seen it before, because your RSS wasn’t working last week (it is now, I’ve RSS’d you now, so you’ll be deluged with comments - maybe…)

    Sounds like fun on the beach. I think we’ll be visiting you lots… in the summer ;-)

  2. Hi Deb
    Just pitch a tent in the back garden!
    It really is a pity they haven’t built that bridge yet…
