23 Jan 2006

Catching up

So here I am sneaking some time on the desk top while the children play upstairs. I couldn't post for the past few days since there was too much competition for this computer.

So catching up; on Thursday Lady started her new Rainbows group which meets in a church hall in the village. It's easier to get to and she enjoyed meeting some local girls and making new friends.

On Friday we all slept in and Duncan missed the school bus. So he stayed at home and we had a great day together. We went to the library and it was actually OK. I mean the boys were quite loud and Duncan kept going behind the lady's desk to look for a (what else) Thomas video and I appeared (or was) scatty and disorganised but hey! we achieved what we set out to do!

My Book People delivery arrived too. The Learn-to-read-with-Thomas books came as well as my bargain collection of 5 books for a tenner. I love a bargain! The Thomas books are a big hit with the boys and I prefer them to the usual Thomas books, nice clear illustartions with simple text. Much better for Duncan, who will know the stories by heart soon I bet. I think that is how he will learn to read, not via phonics, which they are following at school, but by looking at favourite well-known books alone, and figuring out the text himself.

The weekend was nice and easy. We did a bit of shopping, cooking, cleaning and lots of playing and reading. I'm reading Phillip Pulamn's 'The scarecrow and his servant' to Lady.

No book has ever made her laugh so much. It really is very funny. The boys likes the Usborne books Farmyard Tales and the new Thomas books. There's always lots of acting out of chugging and pulling and cross Fat Controllers. It engages Duncan much more than the dry 'I can sit' book he brought home from school.

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